Practicums help early childhood education and care (ECEC) educators in training gain practical, workplace experience in an early childhood educational setting.
Generally, practicums:
- are mandatory to become a qualified ECEC educator
- must be partly completed outside of an educator’s primary ECEC service.
Practicum exchanges can foster:
- diverse experience and knowledge
- networking and support opportunities
- skill and knowledge transfer.
Practicum exchange network
The practicum exchange network is a dedicated website where ECEC services and educators in training can search for and arrange exchange opportunities.
On this website, you can:
- search for services and educators with availability in your area
- connect with each other.
Practicum exchanges are open to ECEC educators in training who are studying:
- certificate III
- diploma
- initial teacher education (ITE) course
- post graduate teaching courses.
The practicum exchange network is delivered by the Australian Government Department of Education as part of our professional development opportunities for the sector.
Living allowance
From early 2025, participants already working in the sector and undertaking an exchange in a rural or remote area other than their home location may be eligible for a living and travel allowance of up to $1543.50 per week up to four weeks. This will be available via a grant application process.
More information about this opportunity, including how to apply, is available here.
The workforce
Quality outcomes for children depend on a highly skilled, well-supported and professionally recognised ECEC workforce.
Learn about who works in the sector and see what we’re doing to build a high-quality and sustainable workforce.
Stay up to date
To receive information and updates on the practicum exchange network, subscribe to our newsletter and join our Facebook group.